What is a Grammar School in UK?

What is a Grammar School in UK?

Grammar schools have existed since the 16th Century, but the modern grammar school concept dates back to the Education Act 1944.Grammar schools are state secondary schools that select their pupils by means of an examination taken by children at age 11, known as the “11-plus”

In the mid part of the 20th century, approximately a quarter of children were selected by the eleven plus exam for entry to grammar schools which were either  grammar schools fully funded by the state or by a direct grant. Most of the maintained grammar schools were closed or converted into comprehensive schools in the later part of the 20th century, though a few local authorities retained a selective system. There are currently 163 grammar schools in England which are state-funded fully selective schools . Former direct grant grammar schools which remained independent, often retain the title “grammar school” and should be confused with the selective state funded grammar schools.

There are also a few ‘super selective’ grammar schools, which admit the candidates purely based on  merit i.e. who score highest on their entrance exams and there is no catchment area criteria.
Generally grammar schools are either all boys or all girls but  quite a few single-sex schools have sixth forms that also admit a small number of students of the opposite gender.

11 Plus Preparation For Your Kids

We sincerely believe that your childs well being is important as we think 11 plus preparation can be stressfull for most kids. Some children are naturally skilled in dealing with additional pressure on account of 11 plus while there may be some kids who might feel stressed and show performance anxiety. We at Elite 11 Plus Tuition have teachers who are fully qualified UK teachers and who have experience in working with children to alleviate their stress and provide techniques and strategies to reduce preformance stress and increase mental sharpness.

If you want to know more about this the please drop us an email at info@elite11plustuition.co.uk or call us at 0330 113 7996 now.