At the end of key stage 2, a child in year 6, will take national curriculum tests in English grammar, punctuation and spelling, English reading and mathematics. They’ll also have their writing assessed. These tests help measure the child’s progress and identify if they need additional support in certain areas. The tests are also used to assess schools’ performance and to produce national performance data.
The key stage 2 tests generally are taken on set dates and if the child is absent on the day, they may be able to take them up to 5 school days afterwards. You’ll probably be aware of the SATs tests, if you are a parent of a child currently in Year 6, at an English primary school.
At the end of the summer term, the child will receive test results for Mathematics, English grammar, punctuation, spelling and English reading. Scores for each subjects will be scaled between 80 and 120, where a scaled score of 100 will mean that the child has met the expected standard on the test. Pupils scoring 100 or more will have met the ‘expected standard’ for a Year 6 child.
As parents you should follow the general advice teachers give about supporting your child’s education throughout the year. Teachers of course will make sure that your child prepared for the tests in their class . Parents should focus on regular revision of subjects taught in KS2 curriculum. A child studying at Elite 11 Plus will develop the necessary skills required to perform well in SATs for English and Maths.
Parents should put effort towards helping the child learn new concepts in mathematics or develop fluency in reading all year long, rather than just stressing about passing the test a week before the tests. By doing this you are preparing the child with skills that will help them in the long run and not just the tests.
Parents should check with their child about subjects and areas where they feel in- confident and where they feel like they might need some extra help. You can then talk to the child’s teachers about your child’s concerns and formulate a game plan to support the child in the weak areas.
Parents should help the child have regular study times during the week. Early on, let the child tackle difficulty questions and areas where they lag, so that they have plenty of time to rectify their mistakes and learn. Parents should be patient if the child makes mistakes and should not show any negative emotions at them. At Elite 11 Plus tuitions, we encourage the child to spend time on the areas of the curriculum that they find difficult. We believe that doing what you already know is not going to take you further.
In the UK , Key Stage 2 (Year 6), SATs are compulsory and cover the below study areas:
English reading: (one paper) In this paper the child is expected to complete a 60 min paper where they have to read 3 passages and answer questions based on them. A child at Elite 11 plus would have already covered this thoroughly by the time he or she appears for the SAT tests.English: grammar, punctuation and spelling two papers including vocabulary.
In this paper, your child will need to complete a 45 min exam paper that will assess his knowledge and skill in English grammar and punctuation .This is followed by an oral spelling test approximately 15 minutes and covering about twenty words. A child at Elite 11 plus would have already covered this thoroughly by the time he or she appears for the SAT tests.
Mathematics: Maths SATs papers consist of 3 papers – One covering Arithmetic & 2 covering Reasoning. These papers consist of problem solving questions that test mathematical knowledge. A child at Elite 11 plus would have already covered this thoroughly by the time he or she appears for the SAT tests.
Students who prepare for 11 plus exams at Elite 11 Plus Tuition develop the necessary knowledge and skills to maximise their chances of gaining a high score in the SATs exams for Key Stage 2.
We sincerely believe that your childs well being is important as we think 11 plus preparation can be stressfull for most kids. Some children are naturally skilled in dealing with additional pressure on account of 11 plus while there may be some kids who might feel stressed and show performance anxiety. We at Elite 11 Plus Tuition have teachers who are fully qualified UK teachers and who have experience in working with children to alleviate their stress and provide techniques and strategies to reduce preformance stress and increase mental sharpness.
If you want to know more about this the please drop us an email at or call us at 07878097628 now.