How do grammar schools select their pupils?

How do grammar schools select their pupils?

Pupils in Grammar schools are selected based on their ability in subjects such as English and Maths among others. This test has come to be know as the 11-plus, which is typically undertaken by students at the beginning of year 6 for entry into year 7 next year in grammar school.
Every school has its own test paper and not all schools test the same subjects. Some schools do not have numerical reasoning or maths test. Tests are typically based on subjects such as :

  • English ( which typically includes comprehension, punctuation and grammar)
  • Numerical reasoning (maths)
  • Verbal reasoning
  • Non-verbal reasoning
  • Creative writing


Many parents argue that these tests cannot be taken unless a child has gone through a separate out of school training process. This is because the level of questions in the test features types of questions not usually adopted in regular state primaries. The schools point is that the tests do not require any special training and it is designed to sort out pupils who are able enough to learn in a grammar school environment with peers of a similar standard.

11 Plus Preparation For Your Kids

We sincerely believe that your childs well being is important as we think 11 plus preparation can be stressfull for most kids. Some children are naturally skilled in dealing with additional pressure on account of 11 plus while there may be some kids who might feel stressed and show performance anxiety. We at Elite 11 Plus Tuition have teachers who are fully qualified UK teachers and who have experience in working with children to alleviate their stress and provide techniques and strategies to reduce preformance stress and increase mental sharpness.

If you want to know more about this the please drop us an email at or call us at 0330 113 7996 now.