General Information for preparing 11 plus English

11 Plus English

The 11 Plus English syllabus covers key concepts from KS2 ( year 5 & year 6) such as spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, grammar, vocabulary, & comprehension. Broadly the 11 plus English papers covers most of the topics of KS2 English syllabus. The syllabus is broadly based on the National Curriculum guidelines. In our experience, as students learn English as a part of the school curriculum, most children are familiar with majority of the topics covered in 11 plus English papers. Having said that, some children require more support than others in preparing 11 Plus English, especially in areas like vocabulary , comprehension and creative writing skills.

When preparing for 11 plus English topics, the child needs a solid foundation in the following 5 core areas:

11+ English papers vary in style, based on the exam body that prepares the test paper, as each exam body’s test paper format differs from the others. In general, the exam format and question types will vary depending on the local authority in which the grammar school is situated or they will vary based on a specific grammar school. It should be noted that some schools prefer to prepare their own 11 plus English test papers and so their exam format can be different from the typical exam board papers. Some schools simply change the style and format of the paper every year, in order to keep the test fresh and challenging.

11 Plus English Topics

At Elite 11 plus tuitions, our tutors focus on improving core skills of the subject. For English specifically, we cover the following in our 11 plus English syllabus:

11 Plus English Preparation

Many of the core skills required for the English exam are covered within the Key Stage 2 Curriculum. If your child has a good grasp of the elements of KS2 English, then they should have a good grounding for the 11+.  Encourage your child to read curriculum texts and to pay particular attention to English classwork and homework. It may be worthwhile revisiting your child’s coursework throughout the year, to further identify any weak areas.
Our carefully designed tuition program covers all relevant English topics and students feel fully equipped with all the knowledge and exam taking skills before they appear for the tests.  At the end of 2 years of rigorous preparation at Elite Tuitions, students are fully confident to appear for high ranking grammar school tests in areas like Bromley ,Bexley, Sutton and Kent and hopefully pass with flying colours. We provide tuitions to pupils specifically targeting St. Olave’s & Newstead Wood in Orpington, Kent grammar schools, Wilson, Wallington and Sutton grammar schools and Bexley grammar school.

11 plus for parents English

Parents who wish to prepare their child for the 11 Plus exams will need to first assess their child’s ability in 11 plus English arena.  Elite 11 plus tuition have their own methodology to assess the child’s current level of skills and understanding of maths. This helps us to design a bespoke pathway for your child so that they can finally reach the expected standards towards the end of the 11+ tuition program. We at Elite 11 plus tuitions, assess various aspects of the child’s current ability which makes it easier for us to analyse their progress along the way.
Parents, if you child is in year 4 and you are thinking of starting their preparation for 11 plus exams, then below are some guidelines for you.

English – 11 plus preparation for year 4

English – 11 plus preparation for year 5

We Offer Courses

Elite 11 plus Tuition offers courses starting from Year 4 and continued in Year 5 till the end of examination
Super selective schools and schools where there is an intense competition to secure a place, the English paper will include several questions which will stretch the students’ knowledge of English subject.

11 Plus Preparation For Your Kids

We sincerely believe that your childs well being is important as we think 11 plus preparation can be stressfull for most kids. Some children are naturally skilled in dealing with additional pressure on account of 11 plus while there may be some kids who might feel stressed and show performance anxiety. We at Elite 11 Plus Tuition have teachers who are fully qualified UK teachers and who have experience in working with children to alleviate their stress and provide techniques and strategies to reduce preformance stress and increase mental sharpness.

If you want to know more about this the please drop us an email at or call us at 0330 113 7996 now.